
Mandarin Teacher, National Taiwan Normal University Mandarin Training Center


Teaching experience
a. Mandarin Teacher, National Taiwan Normal University Mandarin Training Center
b. Mandarin Teacher, Ming Chuan University Mandarin Studies and Culture Center
c. Mandarin Teacher, School of Continuing Education Chinese Culture University
d. Designated Chinese teacher, Summer Camp and Winter Camp at Mandarin Daily News
e. Designated Chinese teacher in Taiwan, Accent Mandarin Shanghai

I am currently a Mandarin teacher with multiple students from different nationalities. Teaching Mandarin language, from my perspective, not only is to ‘teach’ the language, but to share the history and culture of the language with students; and this has given me a great satisfaction and joy in my job. Patience, empathy, enthusiasm are my teaching attitudes; and offering students to think logically and creatively via different exercises are my lesson features.

教學經歷 :
a. 台灣國立師範大學國語中心華語教師
b. 台灣銘傳大學華語訓練中心華語教師
c. 台灣文化大學推廣部華語中心華語教師
d. 台灣財團法人國語日報社夏令營與冬令營華語教師
e. 上海Accent Mandarin台灣區華語教師

我是一位專職的華語教師,教授來自不同國家的學生。我認為華語教學不僅要“教”語言,更要與學生分享中華的歷史和文化。學生能以華語在台灣溝通、體驗並豐富自己的生活是我最大的成就。 耐心、同理心、熱情是我的教學態度。我的課程特色是讓學生通過不同的練習進行邏輯思考和創造性思考,進而表達出自己的想法或意見。